Thursday, January 21, 2010
This blog has been all about Joseph and his adventures in foster care, but his foster mom (me) is grateful he has found a new home.
I'll miss you, Buddy!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Cattery Playmate
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Foster mom also opened up the habitat so that he has the entire top row. Another kitty, Dizzy, a beautiful Tuxedo 1 year old boy, has the entire bottom row.
Joseph is still wearing his beautiful collar bow, but didn't particularly care to pay much attention to (or understand?) the glass. Mom was sad to leave him, but he has a much better chance of being seen by a potential adopter there, than he does if he's at her house.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
First Adoption Event

He was, according to foster mom, the most handsome cat at PetSmart. He is extremely relaxed, in what most cats consider to be a very stressful endeavor.

Foster mom decided that if Joseph doesn't get adopted today, he should stay at the PetSmart cattery for awhile so that he has more exposure to potential adopters. She was sad to kiss him goodbye this afternoon, but will be visiting him daily to continue massaging his leg and giving him some good ear scratches. He really loves that!

He also got a new safety collar from his foster mom. It's environment-friendly & is bright blue.

Friday, January 15, 2010
When He's Hungry
Apparently, he doesn't mind a little fiber, either.
They Know Something Is Different
The permanent feline residents know something is up (er...gone).

Sophie getting a good look at Joseph'
Joseph and foster mom will be out at the adoption event at the Ohlen Rd. PetSmart on Saturday starting at noon. Come out & meet them!
Address: 1628 Ohlen Rd Austin, TX 78758
Phone: 512-835-7221
Thursday, January 14, 2010
The Med Staff decided to re-chip him, so he's got TWO microchips! Lucky boy will never again be lost for long, as both are registered with the city. His new owner will also want to have his vet scan both of them for the records.
We've decided we're going to try some physical therapy exercises, stretches & range of motion activities for his front paw. It's definitely not something anyone wants to amputate. He often acts as though he really wants to use it, just isn't sure how. He'll love the extra attention & touches that will come with that.
Welcome back, Joseph!
Mystery Solved!
Apparently, it has migrated from between his shoulder blades to about halfway down his right side, about an inch from his spine. As far as they can tell, it's not hurting anything and poses no threat, but most vets and rescue groups would never know to look there. He may have to have another one implanted.
Apparently, The Girls Didn't Like It
Foster mom was amazed and pleased (but not at all with her own cats).
Not sure why it happened, since everyone has been getting along just fine. Maybe there was a full moon??
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
- Where are you?
- I'm hungry
- Pet me
Seems perfectly reasonable!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Can We Be Friends?
He likes to play with the foster's 10-week old kitten, as well. They've had a few good romps - they are both quite playful. And when "Buddy" has had enough of the tireless kitten, he just saunters over & sleeps on the bed.
They also like to eat together.

There is also a 4-week old bottle baby foster kitten at the house, and while she spends most of her time in her warm crate, when she's out to play, "Buddy" wants in on the action! He is quite curious about her and wants to chase! But she's all of one lb. so play isn't really allowed just yet. She looks an awful lot like the cat toys.
Let Me Introduce...

To promote and provide the resources, education and programs needed to eliminate the killing of companion animals in Austin.
The top goal for 2010 is to create the Austin Pets Alive! Animal Resource Center. This facility will have five objectives:
- Use innovative, efficient, life-focused programs to attain No-Kill Success.
- Relieve some of the burden on the city shelter by deflecting animals from TLAC to APA!
- Be the first resort rather than the last resort for pet owners in order to proactively affect the pet/pet owner relationships before it is too late.
- Be a role model for communities that are interested in saving the lives that are traditionally killed.
- Engage the community. We want to help people help others and themselves with pet problems.
Joseph is 2 years old, mostly grey with a white chest & belly. He is currently not neutered, but that will change soon. He was in a temporary foster home for two weeks over the holidays and has just moved to the foster home where he'll stay until he's adopted. As do nearly all cats that spend time at TLAC, he had an upper respiratory infection (URI). The reason so many cats get this is due to the close proximity in which they are kept until decisions are made by the City staff. Many have been out on the streets, lost or abandoned, exposed to the elements and other strange animals. Many may have not been kept up to date on their vaccines. It's tough to determine exactly how long Joseph had been on the streets, but it is clear he was hit by a car. What is also clear: he's a big boy, and he's tough. He is so resilient and happy to be in a warm home.